属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 26554-1991
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ISO 6554-1980
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 60534-3-1-2000
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 60534-3-2-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C46-510-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C46-511-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF E29-302-2-1996
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 1655-1950
1 | 法兰式自动汽水分离器的面至面尺寸规范 | Specification for face-to-face dimensions for flanged automatic steam traps | |
2 | 法兰式自动疏水阀.两端面间尺寸 | Flanged automatic steam traps; Face-to-face dimensions | |
3 | 蜂谷和彦说:“与面对面交流相比,人们更喜欢有一种中介。” | "People prefer intermediaries over face-to-face communication," says Hachiya | |
4 | 高价出让旧红木家具,价格面谈。 | Ancient padauk furniture for sale at high price through face-to-face negotiation. | |
5 | 工业过程控制阀.尺寸.带法兰的两路、球型、直立式控制阀门的面对面尺寸和带法兰的两路、球型、角度控制阀门 | Industrial-process control valves-Dimensions-Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, angle pattern | |
6 | 工业过程控制阀.尺寸.蝶形阀除外的转式控制阀的端面距 | Industrial-process control valves-Dimensions-Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves | |
7 | 工业过程控制阀.第3-1部分:尺寸.双通球型直立式控制法兰阀门的面对面尺寸和双通球型角度控制法兰阀门的中心 | Industrial-process control valves-Part 3-1 : dimensions-Face-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and centre-to-face dimensions for flanged, two-way, globe-type, a | |
8 | 工业过程控制阀.第3-2部分:尺寸.蝶阀除外的旋转控制阀门的面对面尺寸 | Industrial-process control valves-Part 3-2 : dimensions-Face-to-face dimensions for rotary control valves except butterfly valves. | |
9 | 工业配件.安装在带法兰的管道中的金属配件结构长度.第2部分:按级别标识的配件 | Industrial valves. Face-to-face and centre-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems. Part 2 : class-designated valves. | |
10 | 供需见面,双向选择 | Outgoing graduates meet recruiters face to face and choose as both see fit | |
11 | 孤零零的--他又孤零零的一个人了,他觉得自己重又陷入了孤寂之中! | Alone--he was alone again--again condemned to silence--again face to face with nothingness! Alone! | |
12 | 过程控制工业用法兰连接自动控制阀(面至面尺寸)规范 | Specification for flanged automatic control valves for the process control industry (face-to-face dimensions) | |
13 | 狐狸之影曾经面对面地见过她的一位网友。 | Fox’s Shadow once met one of her online friends face to face . | |
14 | 渐渐地我得面对这样一个事实:我几乎没取得什么成功 | I was bit by bit being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success. | |
15 | 她这样站着,在她和他之间隔着这么多入,总比只有他们俩面面相觑要好受一些。 | It was better to stand thus, with so many betwixt him and her, than to greet him, face to face , they two alone. | |
16 | 近半数的人(48%)喜欢面对面说闲话,超过喜欢通过电话说闲话的人(36%),7%的人通过电子邮件说闲话,6%的人通过手机短信。 | Nearly half of us prefershavingsa gossip face-to-face (48%), rather than on the phone (36%), by email (7%), or via text message (6%) | |
17 | 经过4个月的长途跋涉,现在我们在不到一个小时的时间内就看见了这些曾经对它们周围的恐龙产生严重威胁的古代鳄鱼。 | Now less than an hour into our four-month expedition we were face-to-face with an ancient croc that could have posed a serious threat to any dinosaur within reach | |
18 | 经过数个月的通信,我们终于能面对面了。 | After months of writing letters, we were finally able to meet face to face . | |
19 | 据当地媒体报道,在4个多小时的直接会晤后,以巴双方同意将先行撤军和停火的地区从加沙地带扩大到约旦河西岸城市伯利恒。 | According to local press, after a face to face meeting, Israel and Palestine agreed to withdraw and expand ceasefire region from the Gaza Strip to West Bank City of the Jordan River, bethlehem | |
20 | 看守退出以后,只剩他和那女人面面相对时,他依然平静如初,尽管她在人群中曾经那么专注地望着他,已经说明他俩之间的关系密切异常。 | Nor did his demeanour change, when the withdrawal of the prison keeper left him face to face with the woman, whose absorbed notice of him, in the crowd, had intimated so close a relation between himself and her. | |
21 | 美国人购买食品时就要与激光和电脑初交. | Food-shopping Americans are coming face to face with lasers and computers for the first time. | |
22 | 面对面,真相白 | Face to face , the truth comes out. | |
23 | 面对面地站着 | Stood face to face . | |
24 | 那两个对立的政客面对面地一起接受电视访问. | The two rival politicians came/were brought face to face in a TV interview. | |
25 | 你应该当面解释清楚你为什么这样做? | You should explain yourself face to face why you did so? | |
26 | 蒲亭表示愿意在六月三日至五日于哈萨克首都阿拉木图举行的会议会外,安排巴基斯坦与印度领袖面对面会谈。 | Besides the meeting to be held at Alma Ata, capital of kazakhstan, from June 3 through June 5, Putin indicated he is willing to arrange a face-to-face meeting between Pakistani and Indian leaders | |
27 | 千古洪流,时空无限,滔滔载我至远方,渡沙渚一线,泰然见领航。 | For though from out our bourne of Time and Place, the flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face when I have crost the bar.?? | |
28 | 然而,当Mieke提出要去美国与Scotty见面时,Scotty却粗鲁地拒绝了她。 | But when Mieke suggests coming to the US to meet him face-to-face, Scotty rudely turns him down. | |
29 | 人才招聘,诚招人才,欲知诚意有几何,请来本公司当面谈一谈。 | Personnel recruitment. Sincerely look for talents. To make sure of our sincerity, please come and have a face-to-face talk with us. | |
30 | 如果人被有猴痘的动物咬伤或接触这些动物的血液、体液或皮疹都会患猴痘。这种病也能在人与人之间传播,如通过长时间面对面接触时的呼吸飞沫,或接触病人体液或被病毒污染的床单或衣物等物品。 | People can get monkeypox from an animal with monkeypox if they are bitten or if they touch the animal’s blood, body fluids, or its rash. The disease also can spread from person to person through large respiratory droplets during long periods of face-to-face contact or by touching body fluids of a sick person or objects such as bedding or clothing contaminated with the virus. |